Oakland Judo has moved in to our new space at 4118 Macarthur Boulevard, just a few blocks down the street from the old location.

So many thank yous are in order. First to our sensei Dr. Alex Feng for hosting us at Wu Tao Kuan since 2012, and to Jose Ortega at our new home Supreme MMA.

It was a wonderful group effort to build the new floor with parents, kids, students all contributing tools, labor, and materials. Special recognition to Justin Travis for driving his truck to Home Depot to pick up plywood and back and forth from the old spot to get us moved, and to Masa Okajima for his carpentry skills – doing all the main sawing. If we count all the kids (who helped glue the foam blocks to the plywood, very important job!) I think there were 15-20 people who showed up over the course of the day to help out.

The new floor feels great!! If you are thinking of building a floor like this at your dojo, contact Tim at Wisconsin Foam. He’ll get you set up with everything you need, including the plans for how to set out the foam blocks, how to lay out the plywood, and more.