How To Fold A Judogi

Self improvement gurus like Tony Robbins and David Goggins say that making your bed in the morning is an easy way to start your day with a win. It’s easy, it takes only a few minutes, and while not strictly necessary – you’re just going to get in bed again later and mess the sheets up, right? – the discipline of making your bed sets the tone for the day.

Similarly, folding your judogi is not strictly necessary. You’re just gonna go to the dojo and unfold it, right? Why not just stuff the pants and jacket in your gym bag? Think of it this way: it’s something nice you can do for your future self. In 30 minutes or 2 hours or tomorrow, you’re going to open the gym bag and pull out your gi to put it on. Do you want that future version of yourself to find a mess in there? Or do you want that person to open their gym bag and pull out a perfectly folded package of judogi? The choice is yours.

NOTE: I do not recommend folding a gi that is soaked with sweat. I made that mistake once and forgot all about the gi. By the time I opened it, there was mildew. I washed with bleach but it didn’t help. After practice, just stuff your dirty gi in your bag, and then wash it as soon as you get home.

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