This week and the next we’ll be going over osaekomi escapes (osaekomi waza = pinning techniques). This is a basic but very important part of judo. It’s not as cool as an armbar or a choke, but it’s an absolutely essential part of newaza (ground techniques).

What’s the best way to get out of a judo pin? Don’t get pinned in the first place! In other words, if you find yourself in a pin, to paraphrase Kurt Osiander, you messed up a long time ago. If the person on top knows what they are doing, it can be very difficult to escape from a good judo pin, especially in the 20 seconds you have in a competition setting.

To keep from getting pinned in the first place, you need to do a lot of newaza randori and develop a feel for the ground game. However, here are a few general tips:

  • Be the aggressor and be on top – put the other person on the defensive
  • Make the other person carry your weight at all times – tripod concept
  • Keep your arms and legs close to your body
  • Keep a solid base to prevent being swept and turned on your back – keep your knees wide apart and avoid over committing your upper body before the time is right

Escaping from a pin is certainly possible. Watch this Travis Stevens video to get an idea of how.