cropped-jonahjudologo.jpgWe’ll be starting our next quarter of judo here in Oakland in April. Classes are Tuesdays and Thursdays 8-10pm for three months starting on April 2nd and running through Thursday, June 27th. If you’ve been thinking about trying judo or getting back into it, this is a great opportunity.

Sign up now to save money! If you pay on or before the last class of our first quarter, Thursday, March 28th, the price is just $165 for the 2nd quarter. That works out to just a little over $6 per class, which is a ridiculously good deal. If you sign up after March 28th, the price goes up to $190, which is still a ridiculously good deal at a little over $7 per class. But why not save yourself $25 if you can?

If you’re a beginner or have never been to our dojo before, feel free to drop in and watch or try a class. Just give myself (510-516-3478) or Sensei Leon a call to let us know that you’re coming.